Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Hip Hip Horay!

At last, I managed to finish my work. Now I just have to run through my own quality assurance testing. You guys must be wondering what I do. Well I'm a programmer. Yip Yip Yippie! Touch up and I can happily go for my lunch. As I came early today again, and I knew the office won't be open I wen't walking by the lake. I met two fresh water turtles. Then, went upstairs to my office and read the newspaper. Update from yesterday's news. Malaysia's government do not accept the two guys who got married as a valid marriage. It is not allowed in our country. Although one has gone through a sex change, his identity card still shows that he is a male. Poor guys. After spending a million dollars on a grand wedding, they are back to where they started from.

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