I think I will let the pictures speak by itself.
It all started when Tanvir's family invited my siblings and me to join them for the journey.

Here is a picture of the map of the whole area. I made Tanvir stop the car in the middle of a junction, get down and snap a picture of the map so that we can plan our journey and not get lost. Our first stop was the Stables...

Each horse had a name, well I don't remember all .. (Corney, Mustang, Charlie, Travis...)
Entry fees was RM 2 per person.

They also had horse rides which was RM25 for 10minutes...I think.

Look at this cutey.

The horses were beautiful.

Tanvir got to ride Mustang.

Wah, Wah, posing too much already!

My sister, Jusprith took small steps trying to get as close as possible...she was super alert. When she heard the horse move she ran...HA HA HA

One of the hairy horses...

Now it's my brother's turn, he was quite brave, he even touched the horse.
Next stop Rabbit Farm, here the entry fees was RM3.

Cho cute...

Me and rabbito...

My sister and another, my sister actually had a few scratches on her hand after all the rabbit handling... =)

There were many rabbits, all in an open area. I had my share of chasing rabbits here!!!

This particular one was gorgeous - blue eyes. I could not catch it because it kept on hopping everywhere.

This fellow is a naughty fella....as I was taking this picture he tried to eat my handbag. Gosh! It was close! I know you are wondering what animal is this???

Yup, as you can see what an ass !!!

Deers...hiding away...shy animals I would say...compared to the DONKEY!!!
After that we headed into the main area which had an entry fee of RM10 for adults and RM8 for kids. Once in the area you get to check out the French area and the Japanese area. We started off to the French site.

Castle....no idea what it is called...

We could not go in? =(
Actually it looks more like a hotel in the making.

Parking was between the castle and the French....

Here's some art work on the ceiling near the ballroom of the so called castle.

More art...

Ha ha I still remember this..we were trying to pronounce it properly but ended up calling it The Churail. Wah ka ka ka....had a good laugh there. Opps there was a fountain nearby which we started splashing water...I forgot to take a picture of that.

The guys...

The girls...ouch 2 on my laps...luckily Jusprith decided not to sit on me..I would have fell in the pond behind. PHEW!

Another pose... girl power.

"Colmar Tropicale" - a french resort

Mighty Suraj

OK, I got up in some bushes to get this picture, told them to carry the star....HA HA HA

Ended up ... I don't know what yoga is this???

There we SWANS!!! 2 white and 2 black......

There were so many beautiful flowers...so sad I didn't bring my camera to get some lovely close up photos....it's ok..there is always a next time...this time my phone will do.

The entrance....wah wah got bridge all.

Here we go....do I feel like I am in France...hmmmmm.... I would say 50% lah.

Ok that was a whole bunch of pictures.. me trying to think I AM IN FRANCE...WOW!!!

This was actually in a hotel....Taran felt honored taking picture with a knight.

Jusprith straight goes and gives it a hug!

Knight with sword.

I don't know what this is called...to me it's like a rack to keep sword I guess..=)

Girls with knights...boys getting jealous already...so the makan ketupat.

Ok la enough posing...

Now you know why I called him Mighty Suraj!

Neremal trying to be a gentlemen.

Me and Tanvir be a bit more creative...he he

Lots of souvenir shops, vine shops, hotels, food and a day care for couples to dump their kids. At the end of the street is a tower.

Neremal and Tanvir's family blocking the wishing well. Then I met Shiva my friend from work...busy eating with his brother and cousin.

We went up the tower and what a view.... Feel like flying already...

The other end of the street, where we came from.

This is a better shot of the entrance....looks like a fairy tale...

And then I finally got to visit the swans up close .... they really take hours to clean up their feathers. Then I started playing music, I felt as though they grooved to the music while they cleaned their feathers....their long neck really allowed them to clean every part of their body. If you look at the white swans you will see how white they are except their head...can't blame them, the only place their beak can't reach...unless they get a fellow swan to groom them.

And here my phone battery goes low....so sad...
Later on we went to the Japanese Village. It was a steep way up. After parking, we had to walk up more....very very tiring. We skipped the Japanese Village for later and carried on walking up. As soon as we reached the peak where the tea house was located, Raj and I carried on our journey into the gardens. Beautiful.......so much greenary...fresh air.
While the rest enjoyed ice cream in front of the tea house. We kept on walking and walking....poor Raj.....I guess he never walked that far....and we were too far ahead to go back. So nice of him to assist me in my journey..wandering. We walked all the way to the botanical gardens...of course we went in....
Since we did not know where the rest of the gang was....I sent a SMS to inform that will be at the botanical gardens just before my phone battery died.
All the plants names were labeled...we had a nice time laughing at funny names....Memening (very tall tree with weird looking branches way high up - looking at it just gives you a headache - PENING) We stopped in the middle of the jungle - rest place ... and enjoyed the silence.
In the middle of the jungle with no ways of communication to the outside world....
By the time we reached back to the entrance, the rest of the group caught up with us...but they have yet to walk in the botanical gardens..... They were all so tired that then came out half way. After exploring so many wild animals, our mighty Suraj seemed to have caught some rashes...maybe allergy to some plants that he was so happy touching all the way. He even got an insect bite on his hand. So we started heading back to the cars. We totally forgot to try wearing a kimono at the tea house and visiting the japanese village. Well we were more concerned about Suraj... so we all headed back home.
I will be looking forward to visit Bukit Tinggi again in the future....and it would be a sleepover with night views. When would that be??? Never Know?
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